On 18th September, 2021, Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation organized a cleanup campaign in collaboration with Hello Kirtipur Municipality, Rotaract Club of Kathmandu North, Mira Rai Initiative, European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA), Bagh Bhairav Community Forest and local people of Kirtipur. The campaign was held in the Nepal’s first Pangolin Trail located in Machhegaun of Kirtipur municipality. Every year the third Saturday of September is celebrated as World Cleanup Day to raise awareness and tackle the increasing amount of mismanaged waste of our surroundings.
On World Pangolin Day 2020, a pangolin hiking trail was officially inaugurated in the Bagh Bhairav Community Forest of Kirtipur. To keep the trail clean and green, the participants from different organizations, universities and local residents jointly participated and collected the non-biodegradable wastes that were being scattered in and around the 2 km range of the pangolin trail.
We believe that the cleanliness campaign will aware the visitors, hikers and local residents not to throw the wastes recklessly and keep the areas in and around the pangolin trail clean. We are grateful to all the participants for their valuable time, presence and effort to keep the pangolin trail clean, green and long lived.