Project Leader: Sabina Koirala

Location: Banke National Park

Globally vulnerable species Four-horned Antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis) are listed as “Data Deficient” species in the National Red List of threatened species of Nepal.  SMCRF conducted a project to collect the baseline information related to distribution, ecology and threats of Four-Horned Antelope (FHA) in Banke National Park in 2017. Besides this, different conservation activities and capacity building training were conducted too. We published 1000 posters and 1000 leaflets highlighting the conservation needs of Four-horned Antelope (FHA) and its habitat and distributed them to relevant organizations and people. Conservation education classes about FHA were conducted for the local community of different Village Development Committees (VDCs). Likewise, school outreach programs (art and essay competitions) were organized in different schools in different VDCs. In addition, an awareness event was organized to give awareness to vehicle drivers on controlling the road killing of the wild animals in collaboration with Banke National Park Office.

We also organised a result dissemination workshop at Banke National Park Office after we finished all the project activities. Result obtained from the field survey for distribution, preferred habitat, and existing threats and semi-structured questionnaire survey was disseminated to the Banke National Park staffs, Buffer Zone Management Committee Members, related NGOs and INGOs representatives and Journalists. The project was supported by The Rufford Foundation, and led by Ms. Sabina Koirala.