The project “Functionality study of North-South Linkage in Chitwan Annapurna Landscape” is WWF/Hariyo Ban funded project with its partner organizations USAID, WWF, CARE, FECOFUN and NTNC. Functionality of the corridor study of the North-South linkage in CHAL is under investigation to understand the genetic flow of fauna (e.g., herbivores, carnivores, bats, birds, and fishes), and flora along the elevational gradient of CHAL. It will also help to understand whether the land in between Chitwan and Annapurna could act as refuge for animals. This is an important biodiversity landscape which can facilitate a long term survival of species and maintenance of biodiversity. The main goal of this study is to investigate faunal diversity and understand the functionality of north-south corridor, which is important for effective conservation of biodiversity and sustainable livelihood of the local people of CHAL.

Project Leader: SMCRF
Location: CHAL