In Nepal, both the Chinese Pangolin and Indian Pangolin are enlisted as important species and protected by law. However, the knowledge on its importance, habitat and conservation issues seem less in locals throughout Nepal. The survey on pangolin in Dhading, conducted in July 2016, showed its potential habitat in Dhading along with number of anthropogenic and natural threats. This showed requirement to address detail study, monitoring and conservation awareness programs in Dhading especially in Nilkantha municipality. The study design is based on the findings of previous study. Different strategic locations for camera trapping are selected based on previously identified potential sites along with additional consultation with locals. The traps will be set and monitored at different selected locations for 20 days. Pangolin Conservation Camps are organized by conducting group meetings, discussions, powerpoint and documentary shows, and broadcasting the information through different medias. Brochures, posters are distributed and hoarding boards installed to widely spread information on Pangolin importance and conservation. Youth Pangolin Conservation Group will be formed to continue the pangolin conservation activities in Dhading, and the group will also play role of information center for national and international Pangolin experts, wildlife researchers, students and tourists willing to explore Dhading.

Location: Dhading