Workshop on “Use of machine learning and Open Access in Conservation: moving beyond just MaxEnt and Species Distribution Modellings”

Small Mammals Conservation and Research Foundation organized a one day workshop on “Use of machine learning and Open Access in Conservation: moving beyond just MaxEnt and Species Distribution Modellings” on 7th June 2018 in collaboration with Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University at Kirtipur. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Falk Huettmann, Assistant Professor for Wildlife Ecology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

The workshop benefitted 32 participants from 14 different institutions. The one day workshop constituted SDMs and MaxEnt learning, Data Mining, Regressions (Linear & Multiple) and Model Selection (stepwise, AIC) in R for performance of prediction and conservation, Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs), Role of Open GIS in data mining, Conservation and Climate Change predictions with R and commercial software; readings, Hypothesis testing, research design and inference.



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